
Euromech Colloquium 644 “Mechanics, Thermomechanics and Simulation of Short Fibre Reinforced Cementitious Composites”, 17 June – 21 June 2024, Tallinn, Estonia, is being organized.

A research report for the 2023 covering the topic of neural signalling has been composed. The research report can be found here:

A collection of essays examines the unprecedented reach, magnitude and complexity of global challenges—political, economic, technological, social and environmental. G. Jacobs, I. Šlaus, J. Engelbrecht, A. Zucconi (Eds) Catalytic Strategies for Conscious Social Transformation: Leadership in Thought. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, 2023.

A book by Jüri Engelbrecht collecting ideas about nonlinear dynamics and complex systems (in Estonian) has been published by Ilmamaa, Tartu, 2023.

Tanel Peets, Kert Tamm and Jüri Engelbrecht published a paper entitled “On mathematical modeling of the propagation of a wave ensemble within an individual axon” in Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience.

A book by Jüri Engelbrecht exploring the complexity of physical and social systems, describing problems related to science policy, networks, values, and education has been reprinted to satisfy the demand for it by Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, 2023.

A. Berezovski published a paper entitled “Constitutive Modeling with Single and Dual Internal Variables” in Entropy.

A book has been published by Springer and Arkadi Berezovski is one of the editors for it.

J. Engelbrecht, K. Tamm and T. Peets published a chapter about the modelling of nervous signals in the book “Horizons in Neuroscience Research. Volume 49”

J. Engelbrecht presented a talk “The meaning of Estonian Academy of Sciences throughout the times” (in Estonian) on an event aimed at High School students held at the Estonian Academy of Sciences lecture hall on 30.03.2023.

J. Engelbrecht and K. Tamm (with co-author T. Peets) presented a public lecture entitled “Modelling of complex signals in nerves” at the seminar at the University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 09.01.2023.

A research report where attention is paid to describing the complicated structure of nerve fibers, then recent experimental results are analysed and finally, the ideas for further modification of modelling are presented for the Nonlinear Dynamics and Biophysics work group. The research report can be found here:

A research report for the 2022 covering the topic of neural signalling has been composed. The research report can be found here:

A public seminar by Radim Dvořák from the Institute of Thermomechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences entitled “Direct asynchronous time integration of the finite element model” is presented on 1st of December 2022 at 14:00 in room U02-301 in Tallinn University of Technology.

K. Tamm and T. Peets (co-author J. Engelbrecht) presented a talk entitled “Modelling of complex signals in nerves” at the seminar at the University of Dortmund, Department of Physics, Dortmund, 22.11.2022.

J. Engelbrecht and K. Tamm (with co-author T. Peets) presented a public lecture entitled “Modelling of complex signals in nerves” at the seminar in the Institute of Thermomechanics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, 08.11. 2022.

The laboratory has moved from our old building at Akadeemia tee 21 into the Tallinn University of Technology main building at Ehitajate tee 5. We can be now found in the block U02 third floor.

J. Engelbrecht, (co-authors K. Tamm and T. Peets) presented a talk entitled “Modelling of complex signals in nerves” at World Conference on Basic Sciences and Sustainable Development, Belgrade, Serbia, 20-22 September, 2022.

K. Tamm, (co-authors T. Peets and J. Engelbrecht) presented a talk entitled “Modelling of mechanical waves in a myelinated axon” at the 11th European Solid Mechanics Conference ESMC11, Galway, 4-8 July 2022.

T. Peets, (co-authors K. Tamm and J. Engelbrecht) presented a talk entitled “Mechanical waves in myelinated biomembrane” at the 11th European Solid Mechanics Conference ESMC11, Galway, 4-8 July 2022.

K. Tamm, (co-authors T. Peets and J. Engelbrecht) presented a public lecture entitled “Modelling of mechanical waves in a myelinated axon” at the seminar in the Institute of Cybernetics, Tallinn, 05.05.2022

T. Peets presented a science popularisation lecture at Tallinn Secondary School of Science, Tallinn, 05.04.2022

A research report for the 2021 covering the topic of neural signalling has been composed. The research report can be found here:

J. Engelbrecht participated in Eesti Kultuuri Koja konverents ”Inimene piiril” 9. November, 2021, Tallinn – in session ”Tehislik, tehnoloogiline ja loomulik-looduslik” as a moderator. (Conference “Humans at borders”, Estonian Culture Society, moderator)

J. Engelbrecht participated in ISC General Assembly, 11.-15. October, 2021, Paris as a participant (by ZOOM).

J. Engelbrecht participated in conference “Pathways to a Sustainable Future for Humanity: Ivo Šlaus’ Vision”, 29. Sept. 2021, Ljubljana (by ZOOM). Session: Global Leadership, a Road Ahead as a speaker.

J. Engelbrecht (co-authors K.Tamm and T.Peets) presented a talk entitled “Modelling of complex signals in nerves and the analysis of coupling effects” at the 25th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, August 22-27, 2021, Milan, by ZOOM, Aug. 26, 2021.

J. Engelbrecht participated in the XVII Baltic Conference on Intellectual Cooperation “Mathematics for Society”. 28.-29. June, 2021, Tallinn. Session on Mathematical Applications as a chairman.

A popular science book (in Estonian) by Jüri Engelbrecht exploring his path to science spiced with interesting facts and personal observations has been published by Postimees kirjastus.

J. Engelbrecht participated in “ALLEA Symposium and General Assembly”, 5.-6. May, 2021, Helsinki by ZOOM.

J. Engelbrecht, K.Tamm, T.Peets participated in the 6th Oxford International Neuron and Brain Mechanics Workshop, April 19-20, 2021 by ZOOM.

J. Engelbrecht participated in WAAS@60, “A Planetary Moment” on 17. February 2021 by ZOOM. Session: The Role of Academies of Science and Art in Multilateral System – as a panelist; Session: Basic Sciences and Sustainable Development – as a panelist.

A book describing fundamental physical principles, together with their mathematical formulations, for modelling the propagation of signals in nerve fibers by Jüri Engelbrecht, Kert Tamm and Tanel Peets has been published by Springer.

A book by Jüri Engelbrecht exploring the complexity of physical and social systems, describing problems related to science policy, networks, values, and education has been published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, 2021.

Heiko Herrmann is guest editor of a special issue of “Fibers”:

Article published – Berezovski, Arkadi (2021). Heat conduction in microstructured solids under localised pulse loading. Continuum Mech. Thermodyn. DOI: 10.1007/s00161-021-01032-0

A new PhD thesis subject has been announced and the laboratory is looking for applicants. See

Article accepted – Engelbrecht, Jüri; Tamm, Kert; Peets, Tanel (2021). On the physical background of nerve pulse propagation: heat and energy. Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics DOI: 10.1515/jnet-2021-0007.

A popular science article in a journal “Horisont” entitled “NÄRVIIMPULSS
JA MATEMAATIKA” (in Estonian) by J. Engelbrecht, K. Tamm and T. Peets has been published in Horisont 3/2021.

Article accepted – Engelbrecht, Juri; Tamm, Kert; Peets, Tanel (2021). Continuum mechanics and signals in nerves. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 70 (1), 3−18. DOI: 10.3176/proc.2021.1.02.

A popular science book in Estonian about complex systems by Jüri Engelbrecht and Robert Kitt is now available

Article accepted – Berezovski, Arkadi; Yildizdag, M.Erden; Scerrato, Daria (2020). On the wave dispersion in microstructured solids. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 32 (3), 569−588. DOI: 10.1007/s00161-018-0683-1.

Project IUT33-24 “Wave propagation in complex media and applications (1.01.2015−31.12.2020)” headed by Andrus Salupere, has been successfully concluded and a research group based on members of the Laboratory of Solid Mechanics has succeeded in securing a new project PRG1227 “Modelling of nonlinear wave processes in advanced materials (1.01.2021−31.12.2025)” headed by Andrus Salupere continuing and expanding upon the work done in the previous project IUT33-24.